The few of you that happen to stumble upon my blog may look at my recent
postings and be wondering, "What on Earth is this girl talking about? Her
writing doesn't make any sense!" Well to answer that question, I have
become frustrated with my writers block. It's not that I forgot about my blog,
I'd always started to write, but then I'd never finish. I'd type out random
words, sentences, and paragraphs trying to explain all the crap that was
running through my brain—and for the last few months—a solid piece of writing
wouldn't have been able to capture (excuse the language) but half the shit that
was going on in my life! So acting upon my frustration, I decided to just
publish some of my unfinished drafts. I feel like
those entries that I have written suffice in translating my thoughts. It's not perfect, but it's my crazy mind. If you would like to read some of my normal, put together writing start with my first entry all the way to "I'm not that kind of girl". There's your explanation!
-Nessa<3PS: In non-fancy talk. All the posts in weird font that looks like this is one that is unfinished.